So yeah. She found it.
I am pleased.
Back to sanity, or as close to it as I ever get anyways.
Ugh, need to get this work done so I can actually have some free time to myself.
I still haven't beaten Bioshock or Halo 3, don't tell anyone though ok? It's our little secret.
I haven't had time to put in more than a couple hours on either, been so busy for the last couple months.
Will be so happy when the xmas holidays hit.
So this morning was interesting. Had a wee friend of mine knocking on my door at 7 am as she had just left from an afterhours and didn't feel like going home quite yet.
That is a nice feeling, having casual friends just drop by to snuggle and watch old movies or listen to some old ragtime/blues while passing in and out of consciousness.
I am glad I am that boy.
That boy is a nice boy to be.
Also: I find myself remembering this weird animated movie about cats in paris. I am not talking about the Aristocats as many have suggested. It was done in a unique art style and was about this one main cat and his little cat sidekick, as well as his love interest in a female cat who had an attitude. Sounds like every movie ever right? Fuck. That is the problem. My ineptness at desciption. The art style was all solid shapes or pastel paints with basic lines. I used to watch it all the time when I was little but now I can't find it for the life of me. So yeah, little help?
The film looks like this character here:
And this guy was too cute to pass up when i was searching.
I am pleased.
Back to sanity, or as close to it as I ever get anyways.
Ugh, need to get this work done so I can actually have some free time to myself.
I still haven't beaten Bioshock or Halo 3, don't tell anyone though ok? It's our little secret.
I haven't had time to put in more than a couple hours on either, been so busy for the last couple months.
Will be so happy when the xmas holidays hit.
So this morning was interesting. Had a wee friend of mine knocking on my door at 7 am as she had just left from an afterhours and didn't feel like going home quite yet.
That is a nice feeling, having casual friends just drop by to snuggle and watch old movies or listen to some old ragtime/blues while passing in and out of consciousness.
I am glad I am that boy.
That boy is a nice boy to be.
Also: I find myself remembering this weird animated movie about cats in paris. I am not talking about the Aristocats as many have suggested. It was done in a unique art style and was about this one main cat and his little cat sidekick, as well as his love interest in a female cat who had an attitude. Sounds like every movie ever right? Fuck. That is the problem. My ineptness at desciption. The art style was all solid shapes or pastel paints with basic lines. I used to watch it all the time when I was little but now I can't find it for the life of me. So yeah, little help?
The film looks like this character here:

And this guy was too cute to pass up when i was searching.

thats all i know, hopefully it is compared to bose haha, it sounds pretty good...