So yeah, life is pretty interesting at the moment. Exciting, good with the bad. I currently live above a severely alzheimer's ridden, portuguese lady who doesn't speak a word of english. She is my landlady. So thus, in her state she feels perfectly set to open up my apartment and walk through it randomly in the middle of the night in a confused stupor? Fantastic huh? lol
On the upside this forces me to find a new place and pair down everything I own to shrink my footprint, which has turned out to be extremely therapeutic. I am really optimistic about a new place. I can't wait, and I know that fate, the goddess, whatever you want to call it will have good things for me.
I am also excited about a new afterhours I will be spinning at. It is just a small upstart thing on college and dovercourt, but I can play whatever I want as I will be providing the equipment and am the night's only dj thus far. So yeah, on the remote chance that anyone living in Toronto might breeze by this, if you are free saturday night after 2 come check it out. It will be good times. Lots of electro, soulful house, cheesy techno, oldschool hip hop, disco *the proper kind*, new wave and maybe even some bad slow jams if i see people getting close/intoxicated enough for it.
Finally, I am really gearing up to get on this music thing. A friend and I always talk about it, we have been working slowly on projects for almost three years now, but they are always making excuses and so am I. I think the only way anything is really going to happen is if we both do things on our own, then maybe come together. It will be better that way anyways. That said, I need to work on my mastering of ableton, get a new soundcard and some kind of input device so I can do more than just guitars and drum arrangements. If anyone has a cheap mpc or even just an old m-box they aren't using, I wouldn't mind throwing some cash at them and making the equipment disappear ;-)
The only thing that is kind of off is my perspective on relationships. i don't really see the need for one at all, and I think i have lost all interest in monogamy.Jealousy strikes me as being fairly selfish actually. To profess you love someone and then attempt to control whom they spend time with and what sort of connections they make doesn't seem like something a true friend would do. But then the inverse, damn couplist media, I saw this kiss last night while watching the first season of heroes, and it looked really good. Like not just sexy but really warm and inviting. That I do miss. I suppose I would only consider being in a relationship if the person I was with had views similar to my own, which seems really unlikely.
Either way I have lots of great friends and have met a lot of cute new people to get to know in the meantime, school is going well and at the moment I am pretty motivated.
So as long as this motivation lasts and I can find a new place before snow falls all should be well.

On the upside this forces me to find a new place and pair down everything I own to shrink my footprint, which has turned out to be extremely therapeutic. I am really optimistic about a new place. I can't wait, and I know that fate, the goddess, whatever you want to call it will have good things for me.
I am also excited about a new afterhours I will be spinning at. It is just a small upstart thing on college and dovercourt, but I can play whatever I want as I will be providing the equipment and am the night's only dj thus far. So yeah, on the remote chance that anyone living in Toronto might breeze by this, if you are free saturday night after 2 come check it out. It will be good times. Lots of electro, soulful house, cheesy techno, oldschool hip hop, disco *the proper kind*, new wave and maybe even some bad slow jams if i see people getting close/intoxicated enough for it.
Finally, I am really gearing up to get on this music thing. A friend and I always talk about it, we have been working slowly on projects for almost three years now, but they are always making excuses and so am I. I think the only way anything is really going to happen is if we both do things on our own, then maybe come together. It will be better that way anyways. That said, I need to work on my mastering of ableton, get a new soundcard and some kind of input device so I can do more than just guitars and drum arrangements. If anyone has a cheap mpc or even just an old m-box they aren't using, I wouldn't mind throwing some cash at them and making the equipment disappear ;-)
The only thing that is kind of off is my perspective on relationships. i don't really see the need for one at all, and I think i have lost all interest in monogamy.Jealousy strikes me as being fairly selfish actually. To profess you love someone and then attempt to control whom they spend time with and what sort of connections they make doesn't seem like something a true friend would do. But then the inverse, damn couplist media, I saw this kiss last night while watching the first season of heroes, and it looked really good. Like not just sexy but really warm and inviting. That I do miss. I suppose I would only consider being in a relationship if the person I was with had views similar to my own, which seems really unlikely.
Either way I have lots of great friends and have met a lot of cute new people to get to know in the meantime, school is going well and at the moment I am pretty motivated.
So as long as this motivation lasts and I can find a new place before snow falls all should be well.

*sigh* what a flattering, fantastical, wonderful comment!!!! Thank you so much I really do hope it goes live!

Where do you dance???