I was diagnosed in January, had two grand mals before that (one on christmas eve, which sucked) but I've been having small seizures for years without realizing they were seizures. I lost my license last christmas and only got it back in August, so I feel your sister's pain at not being able to drive
Shows: We're playing Albuquerque on the 29th at Launchpad. Elysium on May 13th here in Austin and San Antonio on May 28th, I'll post info on the club as soon as I get it.
Soundtrack: We've been asked score the movie now, not just write a song or two. I'm very excited about it
yah...they overproduced their tracks...seems like they had more money to play with or something... that tomsauyer song ...herm...i just hate that song to begin with..haha... and now i cant even get that shit out of my head!
"The time of getting fame for your name on its own is over. Artwork that is only about wanting to be famous will never make you famous. Any fame is a bi-product of making something that means something. You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a shit."
yeah the weather isn't any better in SA....fuck i hate texas. one day it's sunny and hot the next day it's cold and wet...my hair looks like Chaka Khan today damn this humidity.