Chinese food with Mom, and damn do i have alot of work to do. 18th Century English novels are sooooooo long and boring. fuck Tom Jones, fuck Moll Flanders, fuck Evelina, and fuck my Italian midterm! robot
melodica is. i have it on vinyl sucker. haha. tongue
Can I tell you how awesomely hilarious your name is? biggrin
I got glasses for Christmas- a poem for Buckminster Fuller

I couldnt
when I was young.
My hands stretched out to verify every block of shape and color
that I saw, dancing in obscurity before my eyes.
I remember my sister would tell me stories about shapes,
how they really were, how the eyes of my mother looked
like they drank the moon,...
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which blackalicious ep did you buy? melodica is out of print and worth a bit of $ nowadays.