Dawn, beauty in extremity. I'm glad to have them back, I thought for sure they were on hiatus.
Anyways, I've been meaning to get this rant out of me for quite some time.
What is it about the internet that has caused a lot of people to stoop to new levels of inarticulateness?? You know what I'm talking about. U, r, plz, kthxbyed00d. Everytime I see someone say something like this, I don't know what it is about it but I just get so annoyed. Maybe overly annoyed. But seriously folks, is it that hard to type like you're a somewhat coherent and intelligent human being?? The most common excuse I hear is that it "Saves time".Is typing u instead of you really saving time?? I don't know about anyone else but I type them with less than a second's difference between the two. Is half a second so important that someone has to, in my eyes, make themself seem like they don't care about sounding like they can carry on a conversation with someone with a double digit IQ?? I know, I know, using U instead of you, R instead of are, that doesn't make a person stupid. Not literally. But, when I see it, for some reason I just get the feeling that if this person doesn't care enough to make themselves sound somewhat decent while talking to me, why should I talk to them?? Yeah, most of my friends know I hate it, so sometimes they will overuse it when talking to me when they never would use it normally, just to piss me off.
I play online video games a lot, and sadly I see this all the time. I know it's not a big deal, but hey, it's something that bothers me and if I'm going to practice my writing skills why not write about something that bothers me, right?? Well, there you have it!!
Synnove needs to sign on AIM so I can show her all the pictures I made for her!! I made one of snow too!!
Anyways, I've been meaning to get this rant out of me for quite some time.
What is it about the internet that has caused a lot of people to stoop to new levels of inarticulateness?? You know what I'm talking about. U, r, plz, kthxbyed00d. Everytime I see someone say something like this, I don't know what it is about it but I just get so annoyed. Maybe overly annoyed. But seriously folks, is it that hard to type like you're a somewhat coherent and intelligent human being?? The most common excuse I hear is that it "Saves time".Is typing u instead of you really saving time?? I don't know about anyone else but I type them with less than a second's difference between the two. Is half a second so important that someone has to, in my eyes, make themself seem like they don't care about sounding like they can carry on a conversation with someone with a double digit IQ?? I know, I know, using U instead of you, R instead of are, that doesn't make a person stupid. Not literally. But, when I see it, for some reason I just get the feeling that if this person doesn't care enough to make themselves sound somewhat decent while talking to me, why should I talk to them?? Yeah, most of my friends know I hate it, so sometimes they will overuse it when talking to me when they never would use it normally, just to piss me off.
I play online video games a lot, and sadly I see this all the time. I know it's not a big deal, but hey, it's something that bothers me and if I'm going to practice my writing skills why not write about something that bothers me, right?? Well, there you have it!!
Synnove needs to sign on AIM so I can show her all the pictures I made for her!! I made one of snow too!!