I had a long talk today, with my old Latin teacher from when I was in high school. We talked about everything from Buffy and Willow to CCR and why I have no ambition. Now, remember in Pulp Fiction, near the end, Jules explains to Vincent, that he "Had what alcoholics like to refer to as a 'Moment of Clarity'". My old Latin Teacher told me some things that I hadn't considered, and I believe pretty much the entire day since then has been a "Moment of Clarity". I'm going to try my best, to try new things. Maybe to be creative, and to try to do something worthwhile for once. I never thought I would be friends with one of my old teachers .
So today, I've been in a really insightful mood, reconsidering many of my beliefs about myself. I'm not sure if what I am studying in college right now is what I want to do anymore. Really, if you asked me what I wanted to do with my life yesterday, I would have said absolutely nothing. But today I'm reconsidering. I almost never speak with optimism, this certainly is bizarre considering the shitty situation I'm in right now.
Everyone go read this story.It's an incredible story.
So, let's meet, shall we?? You're cuter than a ring tailed lemur, you are.
So today, I've been in a really insightful mood, reconsidering many of my beliefs about myself. I'm not sure if what I am studying in college right now is what I want to do anymore. Really, if you asked me what I wanted to do with my life yesterday, I would have said absolutely nothing. But today I'm reconsidering. I almost never speak with optimism, this certainly is bizarre considering the shitty situation I'm in right now.
Everyone go read this story.It's an incredible story.
So, let's meet, shall we?? You're cuter than a ring tailed lemur, you are.
k, so who would you put as all 3 of your favs?
Well, you could always just put her in your favorites slot and leave the other two empty...