I watched part of Office Space again today, one of my favorite movies, for like the tenth time. Strange how a number of electrons sprayed across a glass screen and directed by cathodes can provide so much entertainment, and at the same time create such emotion. I found myself growing saddened at how perfect the world could seem in movies and video games. I remember when I was going through a fairly down point in my life, during which time I was playing Final Fantasy X a lot, I used to wish the real world was like Spira. So what if there is a large beast named Sin that comes back every 7 years after being killed and ravages and destroys stuff. So what if the unsent souls of the deceased turn into large and oftentimes exceedingly ferocious and angry creatures who would love nothing more than to chomp on you. Everyone seemed so happy and the world was so diverse. You didn't need to sit behind a cubicle all day long answering technical support calls for Cox Communications. Everyone seemed happy.
That's what happened to me when I watched Office Space, as it always does. Office Space is a comedy, and perhaps I read into it too much..but I can't help but wish I could just relax my whole life instead of having to earn little green slips of paper 40 hours out of my week.
and to top it off, I have a random pain in my leg.
What the hell is this anyways, I'm young I'm not supposed to have these kinds of problems.
The other day I took some muscle relaxers and had an allergic reaction to them which caused my skin to have something kind of like a rash all over it. It was very disturbing.
I've also come to the realization, not that I hadn't known this before, that sex is a really really bizarre practice. The fact that it drives some people as strongly as it does is kind of odd to me.
Personally, I would rather be like Shinobi and run along walls slashing things with my sword that has to feed on souls lest it kill me, throwing ninja stars, and performing ninjitsu magic. I'd also have a really long red scarf that followed me. That would be really neat. But you know what, maybe I'm just pathetic.
That's what happened to me when I watched Office Space, as it always does. Office Space is a comedy, and perhaps I read into it too much..but I can't help but wish I could just relax my whole life instead of having to earn little green slips of paper 40 hours out of my week.
and to top it off, I have a random pain in my leg.
What the hell is this anyways, I'm young I'm not supposed to have these kinds of problems.
The other day I took some muscle relaxers and had an allergic reaction to them which caused my skin to have something kind of like a rash all over it. It was very disturbing.
I've also come to the realization, not that I hadn't known this before, that sex is a really really bizarre practice. The fact that it drives some people as strongly as it does is kind of odd to me.
Personally, I would rather be like Shinobi and run along walls slashing things with my sword that has to feed on souls lest it kill me, throwing ninja stars, and performing ninjitsu magic. I'd also have a really long red scarf that followed me. That would be really neat. But you know what, maybe I'm just pathetic.
I'm a fan of anyone who pays me for something I wrote.
Have you seen FFX:2? Yuna's in some hoochie-momma shorts!