I'm posting a new blog because feel like it, I'm cancelling my membership soon as I hardly come on this site anymore, When I first came on here it was to find like-minded people of my age who were not up their own arse like some people you get on myspace, Its come to a point where financially I simply cannot afford it. Will post... Read More
Ok so hardly anyone comments my blogs anyways so I pretty much can say what the fuck I want to, If people wanna bitch and moan and tell me that my problems arent fuck all then fuck you.
my problems are my problems, I just need to vent some spleen, See the thing is my Ex (kalems mum) had a pretty shitty time with her... Read More
its not stupid. your still in contact with her and worry about her for your sons sake. plus you were close to her at some time which makes you care. ii guess its hard when u want to help someone but they wont seem to help themselves you do a great job with your son and its great that he is your main priority xxx
So I just got back from Mr Twisters with my little lad, He went nuts in there, I spent most of the afternoon trying to coax him from the top of this huge pirate ship, I swear he gets more like the Hyperactive Gremlin in Gremlins 2 all the time!! It was funny tryin to climb up this big pirate ship climbin frame after him... Read More
the hyperactive gremlin in gremlins 2 is sooo cool, hes awesome
although im in the UK ive not heard of mr twisters, but i like the sound of playing on a pirate ship
So..... little update, I'm at the end of my NVQ, I have to hand it in this monday, I've done as much written work as possible and then some, Alas I have not been assessed once in over a year, My Assessor knows that I have been doing it, I've asked to work with her numerous times....does this sounds like its gonna be one huge... Read More
Well, I ended up going out on last Thursday, it was fun, I had a good time watching the Bands, Ella and the support band who I have totally forgotten whose name it was.....sorry guys....will edit later and put it in there, anyways you can check the bands out on Myspace. Kalems mum was actually civil to me today which makes a change over the... Read More