Mum has just been taken into hospital, it doesnt sound too good, Work are being arses about it, coz they say i'm not sick so I should be able to go in, which would be fine if I
A) Didnt have a child
B) Said Child had a decent mum who didnt keep going back to her Violent DickHead of a boyfriend and put others first before herself
C) Had a Dad who wasnt working 13 Hour shifts at a Nuclear Power Plant at 56 Years old!!
D) Just had someone to help out!!
This sucks!!
A) Didnt have a child
B) Said Child had a decent mum who didnt keep going back to her Violent DickHead of a boyfriend and put others first before herself
C) Had a Dad who wasnt working 13 Hour shifts at a Nuclear Power Plant at 56 Years old!!
D) Just had someone to help out!!
This sucks!!
I can relate to the's hard being a single parent and very often frustrating when others don't understand the responsibilities that come with it
Cynclair is least your son has a great dad
hope your mum gets better