Ok so I've had enough of all of the wiseass comments regarding my picture of me with a tattoo gun, that pic was took at a friends house where he had converted a room into a studio so call 'him' what you will not me, As far as I'm concerend I would rather go the route of getting an apprenticeship, It is proving difficult and I'm only tattooing myself and coming from over 10 years of a medical background I think i'm pretty much aware of bloodborne-diseases, Aseptic/Antiseptic Techniques, Infection Control, Cross Infection, Disposing of Wastes and Sharps etc etc, I wonder how many so called 'Professional Artists' started at home with a dream of becoming a successful artist and how many years it took them to get there, Rome was'nt built in a day and neither will my tattooing career, its a shame some of you people like to knock a guy down for wanting to do something he loves but like everything in this world Competition is fierce but its an imperfect world its just a shame the Tattooing Community dont want to help anyone out nowadays!
Hey chick, If its what u want to do, do it. Use every lead that you can, as long as it's safe. Everyone has got to start somewhere. I go to one of the top guys in the uk, and he started the same way, no one would give him a break apart form his friends and now he is one of the top tattooist in london. If you believe yourself to be medico what s the point of doing it - be and strive to be the best. Others got there break, im sure with determination, which is what u have got, You used some inative and asked for advice, unfortunalty thats not entirely what you got. But thats to be expected. If you are determined enough someone will give you the break you need. If its a dream , make it real, dont just let it be a dream