What a weekend. Out of all the weekends my friends and I could have gone camping, last weekend was by far the worst. For all the people that live in the New York area, you know why.... for everyone else let me explain a little.
Here in the New York area, it has been raining every other day. Finally after studing the weather channel for about a month, my friends and I desided that there was a high chance it would not rain. Yet with our luck (and the fact that none of use work as a weather man) it rain. And this was no normal rain, it poured with thunder and lighting.
I was very lucky that my tent did not leak during the storm, but a few of my friends were awaken to an indoor swimming pool in thier tents. A few of us were lucky to have the chance to sleep on a water bed. (By this i mean that the area outside the tent turned in to a lake and when you rolled over in the tent it sounded and felt like you were sleeping on a water bed.)
My Cordona desided that he was going to sleep in his truck. I belive he might have been the smartest out of all of us. But he left the window of his truck cracked and thus awake to a wet drivers seat.
Other then the rain everything was great. The camp food the night before tasted awesome! (Thanks Cookie for cooking) and of couse the entertainmet was excellent (thanks mother nature!) But because everythingwas wet the morning after the storm we were unable to get a fire started and had to leave early for Egg McMuffin sandwiches. But no camping trip is ever completed with out Egg McMuffin sandwiches.
Here in the New York area, it has been raining every other day. Finally after studing the weather channel for about a month, my friends and I desided that there was a high chance it would not rain. Yet with our luck (and the fact that none of use work as a weather man) it rain. And this was no normal rain, it poured with thunder and lighting.
I was very lucky that my tent did not leak during the storm, but a few of my friends were awaken to an indoor swimming pool in thier tents. A few of us were lucky to have the chance to sleep on a water bed. (By this i mean that the area outside the tent turned in to a lake and when you rolled over in the tent it sounded and felt like you were sleeping on a water bed.)
My Cordona desided that he was going to sleep in his truck. I belive he might have been the smartest out of all of us. But he left the window of his truck cracked and thus awake to a wet drivers seat.
Other then the rain everything was great. The camp food the night before tasted awesome! (Thanks Cookie for cooking) and of couse the entertainmet was excellent (thanks mother nature!) But because everythingwas wet the morning after the storm we were unable to get a fire started and had to leave early for Egg McMuffin sandwiches. But no camping trip is ever completed with out Egg McMuffin sandwiches.
Myself, I like to hop out of the car, grab my tent, and run to the flattest, highest spot in the camp ground and call dibs. :-D My friend will always say, oh I got a better spot my this tree, or where there is a green grassy spot; when the rain strats, I never get wet. Go high, and go flat. The clear winner every time is the person with the dry sleeping bag.