Had a pretty O.k weekend, Friday went to see a movie, Master of Command that new Russel Crowe movie it was pretty good allot of good action but it had some really slow parts 3 out 5.
Went on Saturday to a friends party, it was held in a giant boat house, no boats but allot of booze, people, and other stuff.
It was wierd...
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Bling bling is right! haha. I just got paid and am blowing it already. Good times! Anyway I got some great new pointy high heels to wear tomorrow, my legs will be the only sexy part of me, considering I have to bundle up for the cold weather. Yes it gets cold in California! Anyway have a great night and have fun tomorrow!
Hey a hot stuff. How have you been? Any good parties this weekend?
WOOOoooohooo, Finally some peace and quiet, Christmas is over, Never had so much food before I feel like Fat Albert "Hay hay hay" oink
I got Money, Gift certificates, and some clothes.
What my Girl friend gave me was so cool, Bottle of my fav wine, Two ski lift tickets to Horseshoe Valley (I love snowboarding), and a photo album with me, and three pages of pictures...
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You we're bad as usual? I think you are pretty good. Tough though, you and the shih tzu are two toughies.


I have always wanted a Shih tzu. I fell in love with a breeder dog named Charlotte. The lady wouldn't sell her though, she said that she was her top breeding bitch.

I hate breeders. mad frown

Wow, what a crazy 4 days that was, finally I can sleep in my own bed, I did a little sleeping around, went to my girlfriends then to my work's Christmas party then went out with my hommies, crashed at my buddy's place because I was in no shape to drive, then I forgot that I promised my girlfriend that I would take her to...
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Santa didn't get me the gin but my ex did!
I am a dumby but...do you celebrate X-mas?
It's a long way to the top if ya wanna Rock and Roll biggrin

Bon Scott
RIP frown
Life is good for Novelty, Going this Saturday to Christmas party held by my work in fancy restaurant in Oakville, Fucken Ehh smile Food free, booze free, Hotel room free, Breakfest free, Oh yeahh tongue
I read in the paper that this man 73 years old gets off watching animals fuck, no not me and my girlfriend but cows, pigs but mostly he gets a hard on...
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What the fuck (pun intended)! That's nuts. I have a friend who likes to be strangled (choked) during sex. She can't get off without it. That's kind of crazy. Anyway...

Oh yeah, I forgot about Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I have never seen it straight through. I was too young to watch it when it first came out. I caught my dad watching it though one time and he acted all scared and changed the channel. wtf. That isn't even bad compared to the movies nowadays. Whoa! I said, nowadays, I'm an old lady. haha.
My girl has the most annoying friends, not all of them just a couple, they are like the chicks in that movie Clueless, "Like Oh my god, like do you see what she's wearing, she looks so fat in that", I never heard anyone use the word "like" so much in a conversation, well I think thats what it was, they where doing the talking...
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Yeah actually I would love to do my whole body... I'll need some assistance for that ofcourse.
haha. Cool. I am the same way. Like 'what the fuck, stand back bitch!" I totally need my 3 feet of personal space. It drives me nuts! I especially hate when people knock your heels with their damn baby stroller and stuff like that. It makes me want to throw shit! haha. I just bottle it up though. Good to hear that your throat is better. Yeah, go mess it up again. Good idea! tongue

Yeah, I met 'dream' and 'chief', so weird I felt like I was on SG for a bit there. Like hi I am franandzooey. haha. Three syllable names aren't that cool I guess.
Throats feelin better, People can understand what I'm sayin now, this Christmas shopping bullshit is killing me, I'm not even close to being done and now I have to return something because so and so already has it mad FUCK
Lets think positive now shall we, alright I got a raise smile One of my co-workers told my boss that I was unhappy and wanted to leave,...
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whats wrong with abba. Abba rules! I actually have an abba tattoo (it says super trouper across my belly with a 4 pointed crown representing abba gold behind it).
This is the only way I can comunicate to others, well also writing on paper and giving the middle finger, went to the doctor this morning and he asked "what the hell did you do" and I wrote down
KAROAKEE, he said vocal chords are strained badly, and drink tea with lots of honey and don't say a word.
I really fucked myself now. I...
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hey-a. how's your throat doing?
awww thanks! That is cool that you like picture #20, because that is pretty true to life (like how I look most of the time), no editing or airbrushing, just the real thing. You are sweet. I have a lot of pics up no?, like too many?
Since Christmas is coming soon, it would be really nice if some people donated food or old clothing to there local homeless shelters, It almost sounds like frickin add, but seriously allot of people have different views on the homeless (My Freinds),
You can't just say "Oh there all crack heads or drunks" because some are in that position from uncontrolled circumstances, and having that...
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last week I cleaned out my downstairs for like 5 hours and came up with 5 bags worth of clothes. I refused to throw it out, I donated it.

It's amazing how much people seem to look at the homeless with disdain. It's so much easier to end up on the streets than people realize. If yr going at it alone, and you lose a job or get nailed with a bunch of medical expenses, and you have no one to help you out, then boom, homeless. Alshough, if people would stop treating alcoholics and drug addicts as second rate citizens, and start treating them like people whose fatal flaw ( and everyone has a fatal flaw) hapens to be addiction, maybe we would have a few less homeless people to deal with in the first place

hyacinths and thistles
Ha ha ha ha yeah right,
I'm alive for one more day feel pretty good, Last night was madness, weed dosn't bring me down as much like booze and other stuff,
No hangover smile
I'm sticking with weed, beer, shrooms(BC kind) and coffee, Yes I'm lame but so are you for reading my journal biggrin
But anyways I got Issues, my current girlfriend (Andrea) and the ones...
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I think analyzing is just part of a relationship. C'mon, the drama just keeps things interesting. lol.

I can't wait for a new Tea Party album!
My sailor does look a little sick. I think he is from the 40's. Something my grandpa almost gave to the goodwill. I had to save him out of a box.

Thank you for the joke. Short and sweet. Well short and funny.