I don't know how long I am already following this girl on instagram, which is strange because I already thought she
was a suicidegirl (like do your research, Anne -_-). But her story's on instagram always make me laugh and she is so spontaneous.
The fact that I already thought she was a suicide girl must say enough, I mean she is so gorgeous and her sets are more
than amazing!
Speaking of her sets; her newest set 'Views' just went in MR passed week! If you haven't seen it yet, you MUST! This chick is a total babe and in every pose she looks amazing. Even the expressions in her face are beyond awesomeness. And her lingerie is just.. so sexy and cute and hot at the same time..^^
These pic's are from her latest set (which are totally lit!<3)
Go and give this girl some love, follow her (also on instagram because her story's and live shows are amazing!!)
like all her sets because she really deserves to go pink!!! =3
Click HERE to go to her latest set!!