All I have to say really is that this Auckland weather can get fucked. Really. 23 degrees c with 100% humidity at 6am? Seriously? Its just hot and gross.
Today I had an awesome lunch with some lovely gal pals at a place called Archies and I had a really great vege pizza and two glasses of wine and a coffee. The restaurant is in... Read More
I got bored the other day and made my hair blonde again. Meh.
I'm going to do a few more Graphic Design papers while I'm looking for a job/freelancing. Beats sitting around playing Grand Theft Auto all day. Plus I feel deprived of design since doing the Creative Advertising degree. Go figure.
My very good friend Erin moved to London, but she's meeting me in... Read More
With you its GTA,i've been playing Tombraider for days on end on my week off,its terrible hehe.
Oh man im a fan of twinings tea and love the add you did.
Would love to see some photos of the new blonde look.
Take care you
Godamn I have so much web work on at the moment. I hope its my last really because I'm over coding. I'm not even a web designer so I don't know how this shit gets handed to me all the time... I don't quite know what to do this year. Work? Study? Sleep?
Well just to ease your mind i to havnt seen Avatar as good as it looks i might wait to dvd as im in no hurry to see it really,The fantastic mr fox on the other hand im keen to see.Im a fan of Wes andersons stuff.Hope your not frying your mind to much on that code stuff
There's just too much awesome in you to contain! Watch out peoples! She's gonna trample ya with awesome! lol
Yeah, he wasn't known for his common sense. And here's the fucked up part that I didn't write in my blog. I was always there for him and forgave him for his moments of minor stupidity. He was gonna get married and he made me the best man. I got really fucking sick a few days before the wedding and told him I probably won't make it. He said he felt like I wasn't trying hard to get better and he was disappointed in me.........Yeah. So from then on I promised I would be understanding with my friends if something came up cause there are things that are more important than me and hanging out. But yeah, my life is much better without him, although I went a few years without a best friend. Then Antonet came along. You kinda know that story, but there's a lot to tell on that one. I won't bore you with it.
Got sick on Lindsay Lohan and her lips flapping around on my last blog so should update. Don't be rude.
I have this client who wants to be a "silent shareholder" and invest in a company if I start one. He's well connected and super nice. But, a freelance graphic design business doesn't need a huge amount of money to start. All I need is... Read More
I wish I could send you some of the cold and sleet and freezing rain we had for X-mas but I guess you will just have to suffer with the BBQ and martinis