It Turkey day! What are you thankful for? My list is long...
#1 My health has drastically improved in the last couple of months. I nixed alcohol and caffeinated coffee completely. My body feels so much better and I sleep better! Once in a while I will sip on a diet coke if I need an energy boost but other than that I sip on decaf coffee in the morning now. I have saved so much money cutting out alcohol. A night out with my friends costs so much less. So many clubs and bars that I have visited don't even charge me when I ask for a soda. I love getting out at the club at 2 with all of my mind still functioning! Cutting out alcohol has actually made me a much more frequenting "night person" than before.
#2 The people who chose to love me. I have never been the kind of girl who has needed to win popularity contests. I really only need one or two people in my life who love me. I am completely content with the people who are in my life now, and their love for me has been such a life line. There is nothing more fulfilling than the people who love you, showing their love for you!
#3 My job. I have to take my hat off continuously to my amazing job. Thank you to the people who support me in what I do. My job, though tricky is such a huge blessing. It affords me the best quality of life that I could ever ask for, while also affording me the flexibility of staying a student. I seriously do LOVE my job. Heres to starting a sixth year. :)
#4 My student status. I could go on about this for a while, but instead I will cut it short. I was in a meeting recently involving my transcripts and discussing a possible double major. My advisor made a mention of how many impressive classes I have already completed with great grades. Sometimes I forget about my student accomplishments because I am so focused on the current class, the current exam.. the current STRESS. Sometimes its good to hear from an outsider that what you have already done is more than most people ever do. I am so thankful for all my choices that keep me working towards scholastic goals. I am so thankful that I do not possess the drop out gene.
#5 This place that I call home. Los Angeles is truly a paradise. I have been recently reminded of how amazing it is to live here. I am so fortunate for my little apartment. I am so fortunate for the opportunities and glitzy events that happen here. I just have to mention it because I feel like to many people take for granted what they have. I do not. I see my blessings every day and I am so thankful.
#6 People who chose to be kind. Like @bradley Thats all I will say, I am just Thankful.