Hello everyone! Hope this Friday night finds you well! I am just about getting ready to pop out onto the crazy town of Hollywood! But first I thought I would post, since last Monday I was traveling to my Second Home (Vegas) and was unable to post! The week before was so good for me and for everything I have planned to do here on SG. Within the span of one week I shot with three amazing photographers for SG. @sirbilly @sawa @thelabrat :)
I was so happy to get to shoot more sets with Dylan sooner than I expected, but when an amazing location comes along its hard not to jump on it, and I am so thankful that he offered it up to me! I have not modeled much in swimming pools, which is a shame since I was a Varsity swimmer in High School (100 fly baby, 500 free, and the fly medley baby!) So I was super excited to get to wear my favorite strappy black bandage swim suit from last year for one more shoot! (shhhhhh I already used it once for a Playboy feature... It is now due for retirement). We had a blast shooting crazy stuff as usual with me climbing all over the property, into window sills, backs of couches, pool steps, you name it! Shooting with Dylan is great because he is so talented at what he does, and I learn new things about SG from chatting with him :) <3
I did the same shooting with Sawa, in fact I think I scared the poor girl. We were shooting in this amazing loft DTLA. Next to the couch I was climbing on was a railing, and then a drop to the lower floor. I suggested I stand on the back of the couch and Sawa got really nervous about how close I was to the railing! Ha ha, poor dear isn't familiar with my training in balance. Climbing on things is pretty much a specialty of mine! I trust she caught it on camera and you will see the shot in a future set! :) I really felt like a SG Queen shooting with her, I believe we made some solid art!
The third round of shooting was with Billy Ward, one set was all planned out and will be called #HappyBird I came up with this multi color bright fun concept and some of the photos are fucking GREAT! I cannot wait to share them with you! And since he had on hand a cool trunk that I was able to contort my entire body into... we did a second set that I have not yet decided on a name for.... perhaps #Houdini ?
I am so excited to have so many strong sets in the bag. I am so thankful to you guys who joined way back when I first announced that I had been accepted on SG. My apologies that it has taken so long for sets to go up. We are getting close to the 30 day count down to the release of my very first set #Catalyst which I have been so deeply in love with. Thank you for your patience. I believe some of you will find the pictures exceptional for a SG debut set, as long as you are not afraid of virgin skin.
My checkered flag so to speak. The images that, once accepted, made me feel like I could indeed be a part of this. <3
I will leave you with one little BTS
from #HappyBird ENJOY! ;)