WARNING. This blog contains gratuitous male nudity
Happy new year! I have had a brilliant first 38 hours of 2012 so far mostly spent with friends at a rented cottage deep in the Somerset countryside! Hopefully having a good start to the year will be a good omen for the 12 months ahead in which I plan to:
*Meet the woman of my dreams
*Learn to drive
*Go to America (I'm a groomsman at a wedding in Baltimore later in the year, and open to suggestions as to where I should go on to afterwards. Thinking the Pacific Northewest)
*Watch the Olympics in my home country. Only have tickets for some football, but it should be an amazing fortnight anyway.
*Take full ownership of my apartment from my ex
*Go to exciting new places in the UK and beyond
*Start a new role at work
*See more live bands
*Be awesome
For now though, my first pointlessly naked picture of 2012 is behind this spoiler.

Happy new year! I have had a brilliant first 38 hours of 2012 so far mostly spent with friends at a rented cottage deep in the Somerset countryside! Hopefully having a good start to the year will be a good omen for the 12 months ahead in which I plan to:
*Meet the woman of my dreams
*Learn to drive
*Go to America (I'm a groomsman at a wedding in Baltimore later in the year, and open to suggestions as to where I should go on to afterwards. Thinking the Pacific Northewest)
*Watch the Olympics in my home country. Only have tickets for some football, but it should be an amazing fortnight anyway.
*Take full ownership of my apartment from my ex
*Go to exciting new places in the UK and beyond
*Start a new role at work
*See more live bands
*Be awesome

For now though, my first pointlessly naked picture of 2012 is behind this spoiler.
Happy new year