so I'll say merry christmas to everyone now as this might be the last visit before Friday as I'm a busy boy for the next 3 days then going to a remote village where I probably wont even get on here on my phone! Have a fantastic holiday everyone!!!
More Blogs
Thursday Nov 13, 2008
I feel drained, betrayed and stressed. I countered this by having a v… -
Sunday Nov 09, 2008
Jamie wonders if he should get naked on here again -
Tuesday Oct 28, 2008
sorry girls, looks like I'm off the market again! I know you'll all b… -
Wednesday Oct 08, 2008
I'd say I'm now ready for a proper, adult relationship! Shame I can't… -
Thursday Sep 11, 2008
It's amazing how relaxing a week off is. I can't remember last time I… -
Thursday May 01, 2008
Election day! I don't live in London but Fuck Boris!! -
Thursday Apr 10, 2008
Seems my flat is not worth very much this year. Hoping that means she… -
Saturday Feb 09, 2008
so i'm just about used to being single again, starting to enjoy it, t… -
Sunday Jan 13, 2008
Telling someone you don't love them any more is hard. Fact. -
Saturday Dec 29, 2007
had a drunken christmas, now i'm ill! listened to lots of neko case a…