so I'll say merry christmas to everyone now as this might be the last visit before Friday as I'm a busy boy for the next 3 days then going to a remote village where I probably wont even get on here on my phone! Have a fantastic holiday everyone!!!
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 25, 2009
5 days to go of 'sober June' before a step off the wagon at the Malco… -
Friday Jun 05, 2009
Trying to be teetotal for the month for health and mainly financial r… -
Saturday May 16, 2009
why is it that one gets so horny when one is hungover!?!?! -
Friday Feb 06, 2009
Phew, I got back home ok! Wasn't sure if I was going to make it back … -
Wednesday Jan 07, 2009
well I've renewed finally. I'm sure no-one noticed my absence though … -
Friday Dec 12, 2008
So the Christmas party season has got going fairly tamely but thats n… -
Friday Dec 12, 2008
The Christmas party season has started! Quite tamely, but that's poba… -
Tuesday Dec 02, 2008
So I had a bit of trouble with my ISP. I'm back now though! Apparentl… -
Tuesday Dec 02, 2008
Back online after a bit of trouble with the ISP! But they might be pu… -
Wednesday Nov 26, 2008
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