I changed my name! British Sea Power are a great band but naming myself after them has become a little dull and impersonal. Obviously JB is my initials rather than my name,but it is what my friends call me, so I've decided to let people in a little more by making it the basis for my username. A little cosmetic I know but what can you do.
In other news, i've taken advantage of flexible working hours to go home early, drink my flat mate's beer and watch sport. He's out for the evening so he won't miss it before my next visit to the supermarket
In other news, i've taken advantage of flexible working hours to go home early, drink my flat mate's beer and watch sport. He's out for the evening so he won't miss it before my next visit to the supermarket

You'll never guess what.... My dad calls me JB, that's my initials too!! SNAP!!