Seems my flat is not worth very much this year. Hoping that means she won't want to sell it just yet, I don't want her to lose 10 grand. It's Thursday of my week off and the first day when I'm not busy so I'm drinking for breakfast. Just this once, honest. It's also my last day of being 26 so drinking to that, my birthday coincides with the leaving do for my best mate who is going to live in the states for 3 years, so although there will be 60 people out and I won't be short of people buying me pints, it will have a bittersweet edge to it.
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just back from 2000 Trees, absolutely awesome weekend, lots of fun an… -
Thursday Jun 17, 2010
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So I'm seeing this girl at the moment, we get on well but its a fairl… -
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Thursday Mar 11, 2010
Finally back on the internet proper instead of relying on the phone! … -
Saturday Feb 20, 2010
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Wednesday Feb 10, 2010
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Sunday Jan 17, 2010
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Sunday Dec 20, 2009
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