holy s...i wrote three paragraphs and lost it all with the stroke of the tab and backsace?????...im phuct...too tired to go on...you all are spared...
how do you think you will die?... old age...thrill seeker...gagging on your lover?
i fear getting hit again while riding the harley...my mom never liked motorcycles...ill be thinking she won the argument as i slide too my death...hehehe...
try visiting the local members site from around the states and world if you havent already...i love getting out of town...
also i had to work sat at a winery in somerset/fairplay area...mike gave me a bottle of "red"...i tried it ...what the fuck...are they selling this ? ...i always wondered what good wine tasted like...i think it matters what your tongue wants...duh...i like sweeter stuff i guess...cant go wrong with the cheaper sutter home white zin...hehe...or the copius amounts of boones farm kountry kwencher i consumed at the mardi-gras in 1976....but if you hold your nose and swill ...the buzz wil catch up soon enough...hehehe...miss the kgb...killer green bud...they sure seem to be busting alot of home growers in the area...no furniture...just growing equipment...some trippy setups...rotating plants around lights like an amusement ride...oh well...peace be with you...bought tix to the a's ALCS...hope they beat the twins so we can go...mmm tigers or yankees...???? home games 2 and 3 ...at the colliseum...see you in the parking lot..
. R.I.P. buddy dean...48...died thurs last week...unkown causes at this writing...
hugs and love to all that needs it...i know i do...
