I got the chance to look at Jupiter and Saturn through my telescope last night. Holy Moly!
I can confirm, empirically, that Saturn has rings and Jupiter has red stripes and at least three moons.
I know Galileo and countless others have beaten me to the proverbial punch. But it does feel good to see these things with my own eyes.
It's an unreal feeling looking hundreds of millions of miles away and seeing some detail of these distant worlds.
Sounds amazing!
So awesome! Thanks for sharing! I took Astronomy 201 at university. I have never lost my fascination with the subject. My first novel touches on it multiple times, and, in fact, occurs partially on Mars. I need to finish rewriting that thing! My second novel occurs partly at a base on the Moon! It’s time I looked into getting that one published, just as I’m doing with my first horror novel. 💗🤗💋