I don't get out much. I do go out with my family nearly every day, but rarely ever do so on my own. Yes, I do go to Target and the grocery store by myself, but I don't ever "go out".
It may seem like I'm exaggerating, but it has been over two years since I have gone out on my own.
One of the people I met with tonight remembered it was February 2017 when we last got together. That's the last time I went out. So yeah, I don't get out much...
Tonight felt great. I was out among people. It felt like it was a great anthropological experiment. I saw how people interacted with each other.
I went to a local brewery at first. Everyone was there. Small men in well cut suits, dudes in puffy vests even though it was 75°, people with kids they had no plan to keep track of, and women in gorgeous, vibrant-print pants. I also heard a man say, "said no one ever" in response to a perfectly reasonable statement. Just a smorgasbord of humanity.tonight.
I did get flustered by the woman behind the bar. I definitely told her I'd like to close out my beer. She did not find my faux pas amusing, when I did close out my tab she ignored me, but I still.consider tonight a win.
All in all I had a great time. I'm probably not going to do it again for a while. But I had a lot of fun going out.