hey loves- i have a new silly psw set up...
sorry, right now you can only see it if you're a group member... i'll fix that tomorrow!

NotQuiteAPinUp: Ska'd for Life
edited to add: i posted it as friends only in my own picture files as well (since i failed to cross post it yesterday). but really- if you're not a memeber of psw and we aren't friends... why are you even looking?!?!?!
sorry, right now you can only see it if you're a group member... i'll fix that tomorrow!

NotQuiteAPinUp: Ska'd for Life
edited to add: i posted it as friends only in my own picture files as well (since i failed to cross post it yesterday). but really- if you're not a memeber of psw and we aren't friends... why are you even looking?!?!?!

Also, was looking at your pics and my Bloke asked me why you had a photo of me :S In one of your pics, the thumbnail/preview of it makes you look like me, you poor thing! lol.