Oh-oh, more karma problems....
While at work today I came to the harsh realazation that I enjoy being right.
Not the 'HAHA, I was right an dyou where wrong, in your face dumb fuck!' kind of right. In fact I don;t even always feel the need to poitn out I am right... just knowing I am or seeing it proved outin the long run is enogh for me.
I think it is a complete and total ego thing. While I gues sin the whoel scheme of things that is better then enjoying it because it makes others feel small but I think it is stil not the best....
While at work today I came to the harsh realazation that I enjoy being right.
Not the 'HAHA, I was right an dyou where wrong, in your face dumb fuck!' kind of right. In fact I don;t even always feel the need to poitn out I am right... just knowing I am or seeing it proved outin the long run is enogh for me.
I think it is a complete and total ego thing. While I gues sin the whoel scheme of things that is better then enjoying it because it makes others feel small but I think it is stil not the best....
dont let the ego grow too big cuz youre right, otherwise it may start to backfire due to karma. trust me, i know im right

Looking forward to it.