So the question of the day is:
Is it illegal to call a person a bithch?
Today, at BK I saw the police calle don a young man because he called a woman who cut in front of him in line a bitch. I did not see the exchange so he may have been over reacting, but on the whole this seems like a pretty minor thing in the world.
So the cops show and talk to both parties. The end result, they made the kid appologize. WTF is that? So this whole hting has had me pissed off all day for the following reasons.
1) Seems to be a pretty silly thing to get cop calling upset over. I mean she did somethign ignorant and got called on it. And in the end she got called a name over it. And not a very bad one at that.. I mean it is not like he called her a cunt or cum dumpster.
2) If upon being called a bitch you throw a fit and call the cops haven't you kindof proved the point? I mean the daft bitch called the cops over gettign caleld a name, and not a very bad one at that.
3) what useful tyask did thgis woman keep the cops from? I mean shouldn;t they be out taking bribes and harasing minorities? Or some other such serious work?
4) It is a waste of MY money. I mean my taxes pay for cops. We would need less cops if they did not have to spend half of their day conjoling half wit women.
5) Is it really the job of the police ot make people be nice? If what he did was illegal they shoudl have arrested him. Making him appologize is crap. That is not rhe job of the police IMO.
Is it illegal to call a person a bithch?
Today, at BK I saw the police calle don a young man because he called a woman who cut in front of him in line a bitch. I did not see the exchange so he may have been over reacting, but on the whole this seems like a pretty minor thing in the world.
So the cops show and talk to both parties. The end result, they made the kid appologize. WTF is that? So this whole hting has had me pissed off all day for the following reasons.
1) Seems to be a pretty silly thing to get cop calling upset over. I mean she did somethign ignorant and got called on it. And in the end she got called a name over it. And not a very bad one at that.. I mean it is not like he called her a cunt or cum dumpster.
2) If upon being called a bitch you throw a fit and call the cops haven't you kindof proved the point? I mean the daft bitch called the cops over gettign caleld a name, and not a very bad one at that.
3) what useful tyask did thgis woman keep the cops from? I mean shouldn;t they be out taking bribes and harasing minorities? Or some other such serious work?
4) It is a waste of MY money. I mean my taxes pay for cops. We would need less cops if they did not have to spend half of their day conjoling half wit women.
5) Is it really the job of the police ot make people be nice? If what he did was illegal they shoudl have arrested him. Making him appologize is crap. That is not rhe job of the police IMO.
and yes! bionic-ish knee. no superpowers tho. le sigh.