First off, site drama:
Do you know what I love? I love when people allow their personal drama to create a giant diarrhea of drama assplosion all over groups I am in, cries I was mean to them in my journal comments and then blocks me from commenting in their journal or messaging them to respond. I don't know about the rest of you but I can think of no better way to illustrate that your development has been stunted at about age 14 and you refuse to accept any world view beyond your own; but it is easy to win arguments that way... Way to remain open for further discourse.
So now I have to do this to fulfill me compulsive need to say my piece:
You did do something to me; your idiot boyfriend assploded all of your drama all over a group I am in, you came by and made it worse and an army of both your, and his, idiot friends made it worse. While it was entertaining to see two mental midgets engaged in one of the most over dramatic moments I have ever had the pleasure of viewing on this site it does not change the fact that you are both drunken morons, and this is coming from the guy who owns the drunks group.
I encourage you, all of my friends, to go over and bookmark both margate and 3of5 because this kind of stupid just should not be missed and I have a dollar that says neither of them will learn a lesson from this, or any future drama.
OK, now onto the awesomeness that is my life...
Friday I got this done:

Saturday day was Tour De Fat where I sold merchandise, hung out with friends, drank beer, rode freak bikes and had a hell of a good time.

Got to see Mucca Pazza and helped raise 22,000 dollars for West Town Bikes

Sadly due to bad information I managed to miss all of Kuma's birthday and ended up getting there just in time to get kicked out although I did manage to score a single sandwich full of pulled pork goodness before I was forced to leave.
Later that night I got drunk on Malort and rode said tall bike dressed as Elvis....
Sunday was a day of recovery, restorative tacos and an awesome evening free performance of The Sprockettes, a all girl bicycle dance troupe, in Logan Square followed by a nice group ride and party.

I am looking forward to enjoying a week of little to no activity this week...
Do you know what I love? I love when people allow their personal drama to create a giant diarrhea of drama assplosion all over groups I am in, cries I was mean to them in my journal comments and then blocks me from commenting in their journal or messaging them to respond. I don't know about the rest of you but I can think of no better way to illustrate that your development has been stunted at about age 14 and you refuse to accept any world view beyond your own; but it is easy to win arguments that way... Way to remain open for further discourse.
So now I have to do this to fulfill me compulsive need to say my piece:
You did do something to me; your idiot boyfriend assploded all of your drama all over a group I am in, you came by and made it worse and an army of both your, and his, idiot friends made it worse. While it was entertaining to see two mental midgets engaged in one of the most over dramatic moments I have ever had the pleasure of viewing on this site it does not change the fact that you are both drunken morons, and this is coming from the guy who owns the drunks group.
I encourage you, all of my friends, to go over and bookmark both margate and 3of5 because this kind of stupid just should not be missed and I have a dollar that says neither of them will learn a lesson from this, or any future drama.
OK, now onto the awesomeness that is my life...
Friday I got this done:

Saturday day was Tour De Fat where I sold merchandise, hung out with friends, drank beer, rode freak bikes and had a hell of a good time.

Got to see Mucca Pazza and helped raise 22,000 dollars for West Town Bikes

Sadly due to bad information I managed to miss all of Kuma's birthday and ended up getting there just in time to get kicked out although I did manage to score a single sandwich full of pulled pork goodness before I was forced to leave.
Later that night I got drunk on Malort and rode said tall bike dressed as Elvis....
Sunday was a day of recovery, restorative tacos and an awesome evening free performance of The Sprockettes, a all girl bicycle dance troupe, in Logan Square followed by a nice group ride and party.

I am looking forward to enjoying a week of little to no activity this week...
Uh oh....her posse is ganging up on you! Don't worry I got your back.

I really liked the part where she mentioned you had her name in your blog and now her name has changed. She sure showed you.