Ah, home sweet home Where the bars stay open to a sane and regular hour, no matter what day it is.
8 states in 3 days, and most of them in the bible belt. It seemed like every other station on the dial was a Christian talk or music format. That is enough to make anyone, let alone me, leery of organized religion. Of course I *could* have just kept searching for something that I didn't hate and despise to listen to.
But what fun would that have been?
My first conclusion of the trip after several hours of research was that Jesus, no matter what the bumper stickers say, does not rock. Not even a little. For the most part the bands where decent musicians, but something was missing. I think clean living and virtuous thoughts take the edge off to a degree that makes true rock impossible for the truly devout. Of course this problem is only compounded by the fact that it just seems off to hear the vocal accompaniment for a screaming guitar tell you to remain abstinent, spread the lord's word and not to worship false idols. Oh yeah, that is exactly what rock and roll was all about.
Let's not even start on the hypocrisy, intolerance and utter ignorance of the talk programs. There is not space enough on the interwebs for all that I heard. Of the few that really stood out there was one that really got me. It was about children of divorce remaining faithful when one parent was not a devout Christian. What caught me about that one was that the little radio play was perfectly fine with the concept of the man divorcing the woman because she refused to become an over the top evangelical Christian. Interesting given the standard church view of divorce. Even more interesting when one considered that SHE was to blame for the divorce because she refused to follow her husband to religious extremes, compromise was not enough. She needed to commit herself 110%. Of course there was ZERO fault assigned to the husband for throwing the marriage out over his kooky religion. I don't know why but that little story seemed to really reinforce my views of the overly religious.
Other interesting sights from the south:
KFC Buffet restaurants because a little fried chicken is never enough! And we wonder why we are a nation of fat fuckers!
Boiled Peanuts I wish I had had the time to stop and find out what the hell a boiled peanut is. I lay awake at night over this.
The Smokey Mountains covered in fresh freezing rain, while no fun to drive through are amazingly beautiful. Where it not for the white knuckle driving I would have liked to have taken some pictures although I do not know if they could have done the scene justice.
It is amazing how after a trip thought NC, SC, WV, VA, TN and KY the radio stations out of IN become amazingly good. They sure like their 'classic' rock down there. I have no idea how many times I heard the same Skynnard and Led Zepplin songs.
I just realized I only have about a week for the CD exchange Oh fuck I gotta stop this shit and get started!
8 states in 3 days, and most of them in the bible belt. It seemed like every other station on the dial was a Christian talk or music format. That is enough to make anyone, let alone me, leery of organized religion. Of course I *could* have just kept searching for something that I didn't hate and despise to listen to.
But what fun would that have been?
My first conclusion of the trip after several hours of research was that Jesus, no matter what the bumper stickers say, does not rock. Not even a little. For the most part the bands where decent musicians, but something was missing. I think clean living and virtuous thoughts take the edge off to a degree that makes true rock impossible for the truly devout. Of course this problem is only compounded by the fact that it just seems off to hear the vocal accompaniment for a screaming guitar tell you to remain abstinent, spread the lord's word and not to worship false idols. Oh yeah, that is exactly what rock and roll was all about.
Let's not even start on the hypocrisy, intolerance and utter ignorance of the talk programs. There is not space enough on the interwebs for all that I heard. Of the few that really stood out there was one that really got me. It was about children of divorce remaining faithful when one parent was not a devout Christian. What caught me about that one was that the little radio play was perfectly fine with the concept of the man divorcing the woman because she refused to become an over the top evangelical Christian. Interesting given the standard church view of divorce. Even more interesting when one considered that SHE was to blame for the divorce because she refused to follow her husband to religious extremes, compromise was not enough. She needed to commit herself 110%. Of course there was ZERO fault assigned to the husband for throwing the marriage out over his kooky religion. I don't know why but that little story seemed to really reinforce my views of the overly religious.
Other interesting sights from the south:
KFC Buffet restaurants because a little fried chicken is never enough! And we wonder why we are a nation of fat fuckers!
Boiled Peanuts I wish I had had the time to stop and find out what the hell a boiled peanut is. I lay awake at night over this.
The Smokey Mountains covered in fresh freezing rain, while no fun to drive through are amazingly beautiful. Where it not for the white knuckle driving I would have liked to have taken some pictures although I do not know if they could have done the scene justice.
It is amazing how after a trip thought NC, SC, WV, VA, TN and KY the radio stations out of IN become amazingly good. They sure like their 'classic' rock down there. I have no idea how many times I heard the same Skynnard and Led Zepplin songs.
I just realized I only have about a week for the CD exchange Oh fuck I gotta stop this shit and get started!
Hey, could ya bring along those Gargoyle DVDs on Saturday?