Yeah, yeah it's mean....
but you have to admit it is f'n funny
[rant on]
so you know what is the bestest sound in the whole WORLD to come home to after a long day at work? the thumping sound of WGCI coming through the ceiling. How do I know it was 'GCI? BECAUSE IT WAS SOP FUCKING LOUD I COULD HEAR THE STATION ID!!!!
And the best part did you know that asking somebody to turn music that loud is? That it is apparently a racist action. that is right... it has nothing to do with the fact that I have thumping bass moving shit in my apartment and everything to do with the fact that my upstairs neighbor. WHOM I HAVE NEVER EVEN FUCKING SEEN is black and my hatefull cracker ass just can not stand to see a brother have a good time. Just like 'the man' I always gots to keep a brother down...
Well guess what asshat, FUCK OFF and go shove your race card right up your ass.. I am so sick and tired of everyone , and I do mean EVERYONE, p[laying some kind of sympathy card as an excuse. The next fucker I hear tel me I am just doing something to them because they are, black, gay, Mexican, stupid, female, depressed, ugly, unbalanced or otherwise handicapped by circumstance I am going to punch them in their private parts.. Take some fucking responsibility for your own actions and situation in life... Stop looking for excuses and think for a second... maybe I am not at your door asking you to turn the down the music because you are black. Maybe is is simply because I cannot HEAR MY OWN FUCKING TV!!!! Assshats.
I so can not wait to get moved.
[/rant off]
I feel better now.
I leave you with a happy holiday picture of a goat and a gnome.
mmm, gnomes.... Tasty.
but you have to admit it is f'n funny
[rant on]
so you know what is the bestest sound in the whole WORLD to come home to after a long day at work? the thumping sound of WGCI coming through the ceiling. How do I know it was 'GCI? BECAUSE IT WAS SOP FUCKING LOUD I COULD HEAR THE STATION ID!!!!
And the best part did you know that asking somebody to turn music that loud is? That it is apparently a racist action. that is right... it has nothing to do with the fact that I have thumping bass moving shit in my apartment and everything to do with the fact that my upstairs neighbor. WHOM I HAVE NEVER EVEN FUCKING SEEN is black and my hatefull cracker ass just can not stand to see a brother have a good time. Just like 'the man' I always gots to keep a brother down...
Well guess what asshat, FUCK OFF and go shove your race card right up your ass.. I am so sick and tired of everyone , and I do mean EVERYONE, p[laying some kind of sympathy card as an excuse. The next fucker I hear tel me I am just doing something to them because they are, black, gay, Mexican, stupid, female, depressed, ugly, unbalanced or otherwise handicapped by circumstance I am going to punch them in their private parts.. Take some fucking responsibility for your own actions and situation in life... Stop looking for excuses and think for a second... maybe I am not at your door asking you to turn the down the music because you are black. Maybe is is simply because I cannot HEAR MY OWN FUCKING TV!!!! Assshats.
I so can not wait to get moved.
[/rant off]
I feel better now.
I leave you with a happy holiday picture of a goat and a gnome.
mmm, gnomes.... Tasty.
I Am Ironman nanananananana