Cute little girls aren't they?
Well except for the shirts.....
Shame they/re a couple of nazi fucktards.
No, Really, they are. Even pirates know
WTF is worng with the world?
Of course the upside is their music SUCKS other then the message so hopefully it will not go far.
The scary part for me (well beyond the whole part about brainwashed, hatefilled 12 year olds) si that this is a sign the fuck tard racists are realizing their public image sucks and are trying to crawl out of the trailer park into acceptable society.
They where so much easier to spot when they wore suspenders, red laces and shaved their heads.
If I can make it earlier, then the comics and the food sound good to me.
Those girls...are scary...
Hell, they're only 12...reallly great to know the hate will continue into future generations...
Ain't the world just grand?