The forces that be are out to get me....
I think it may be because I recently sold my imortal soul to satan to get Nero to work right.
Well, actually I just got rid of some spyware that sneaked onto the PC.... but it felt like the devil was here. Or mayeb they just truned on the heat in my building....
I think it may be because I recently sold my imortal soul to satan to get Nero to work right.
Well, actually I just got rid of some spyware that sneaked onto the PC.... but it felt like the devil was here. Or mayeb they just truned on the heat in my building....
well, i'm actually not qualified, but maybe the geek squad at best buy can help! i'm not sure yet if they are a good service or just an annoyance b/c it seems their line always moves the slowest at the service desk. my camera that they fixed seems to be better, though.
Is Nero a pc game? please excuse the ignorance.
He's got a hellhound driving limousine
He's got a fire breathing demon driver
Who is life satanic fiend
He's got a black goatee and javalina teeth
And a rattle snake on his sleeve
He's got pointed red boots with diamond studs
And a smile made to deceive
The Devil's chasing me