Do you know what I really hate?
When I have a crush for months, and I think that this person is worthy, and they spend hours today flirting and acting interested only to have me lose my crush in a second when they run off with the girls who spend fifteen minutes debating which wine has more calories, red or white.
(by the way, I was eating dessert at the time because life is to short to be that shallow)
Well props to him for fooling me so thoroughly.
Chalk it up to mistakes I've made.
It's funny how sometimes we are so into wondering if we are good enough for someone that we forget to seriously consider if they are good enough for us.
Then I came home and had an awesome time swimming with some kids from the homeless shelter two doors down.
(we have a pool, not them)
Thank you to Henry and Anna for pulling my night out of the gutter.
When I have a crush for months, and I think that this person is worthy, and they spend hours today flirting and acting interested only to have me lose my crush in a second when they run off with the girls who spend fifteen minutes debating which wine has more calories, red or white.
(by the way, I was eating dessert at the time because life is to short to be that shallow)
Well props to him for fooling me so thoroughly.
Chalk it up to mistakes I've made.
It's funny how sometimes we are so into wondering if we are good enough for someone that we forget to seriously consider if they are good enough for us.
Then I came home and had an awesome time swimming with some kids from the homeless shelter two doors down.
(we have a pool, not them)
Thank you to Henry and Anna for pulling my night out of the gutter.

YOu can only passivly flirt for so long before someone, or something is going to come around thats exciting and now...not been going on for months.
I know this thru experience myself. I've swooned girls and though our building friendship was going to work into something awsome (and more then friendship). The they start dating some freaking bozo that everyone thinks sucks and is bad for them (except them). All the while sort of questioning me.."uh ..what happend with you two).
What happened...was that I wasted 2 months "hanging out"...and not landing the girl. Fear is a bitch huh?