I am such a fucking dork that I was ridiculously happy at finding this photo today. I kept a framed version of it on my wall for more than 12 years, I lost it in a fire.
Team Alva represent!
I watched Lords of Dogtown this morning.
Great movie.
Emile Hirsch was awesome. ( but my expectations may have been low after The Girl Next Door)
Heath was great but the resemblance to Val Kilmer was downright disturbing.
I was a bit confused about the fact that until the last scene, it wasn't made too clear that Jay Adams was by far the better skater, but thinking about it maybe that was Stacy Perralta's way to not make it so huge a deal that Jay was the one who didn't go on to the glory of TA and Stacy.
I grew up with mucho skater boys and have always loved the skating and the culture.
In the eighties most thought of the skaters as the Tony Hawks with their bright clothes and clean cut image.
Me and my friends worshipped the band of miscreants above, Team Alva. The antithesis of the Tony Hawks of the world. (I respect Hawk as a business man, but still hate him.)
The third guy from the right is Jim Murphy, he took me to my first show at an over 21 bar on the Jersey shore when I was 15.
The fourth from the left was my mega-crush Bill Danforth. One summer night when I was in high school Bill came to skate at the Point Pleasant boardwalk. My crush was so well known that after a few hours on the boards Bill was looking for me because everyone he met asked him if he had met me yet because of my ginormous crush. Unfortunately, I never ran into him thta night.

LLKF loves

and i know
[Edited on Feb 20, 2006 10:13PM]