Hair has turned different colours and I lav it :D
So happy with this! Please hve a look :) my first fashion published mag!
Photographer- Jeff tuliniemi
Make up- anitka
And meeee :)
Oh my goodness I am so excited for this year!! I'm travelling Europe and will be heading to Portugal for BOOM festival if anyone is goin! Then I'll be driving to Croatia in ma new vaaaaan! Literally going to be livin the dream this summer! It's nice when you feel like you do deserve it after working so hard :)
Anyone else going travelling this...
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Goodness it is so difficult to update this every day and be as active as I'd like to be :( working as a fl time freelance model is hard work in itself as am constantly writing emails/updating Instagram/Facebook/twitter and then travelling to and from shoots! It's a nightmare! Wish I could have some of this weight off my shoulder!
I absolutely love breakfast- definitely my favourite part of the day! I jump out of bed excited cause I know what I've got in my fridge to make lol
This morning I'm having buckwheat porridge with almond milk, strawberries, blueberries, linseeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, pecans, cocoa nibs, coconut and pine nuts! Literally tastes so good!
What did you have or having for breakfast today?...
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sorry for lack of updates, for some reason a couple of things I wanted to share with you weren't posting :(
I'm getting my hair done today- redhead!! I'm really excited but quite nervous aswell lol it's a giant step for me as been blonde my entire life!!
I'll share a photo with you later! Hope you like! :)
I'm very interested in hearing peoples views on spirituality?
so today is my last day of touring around the uk modelling! It's been an awesome and tiring 10 days but met loads of new people and gone up a wee step on the industry ladder :) I feel so lucky to be living a life like this, I don't take it for granted that's for sure :)
Sending out some love vibes to everyone...
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Thank goodness for that! I've woken up this morning so fresh and ready for this weekend! I've been modelling and driving around England for the past week just continuously modelling and last night I was absolutely shattered after a 3 and a half hour drive from Cardiff to Nottingham, but I've had the best sleep ever and I'm ready for another 2 8 hour shoots!...
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