@dizmay marked me in her post with some questions
I hope to not disappoint you with my answers
1) What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
There's a lot of things I could do without failing but without the challenge it seems pointless and unenjoyable to try.
You shouldn't be afraid to fail as they are just as important teachable moments as being successful in something... I can't think of an answer to give as anything that was so easy to achieve doesn't seem worth achieving.
2) How are you REALLY?
I'm alive and have what I need to survive. I feel a bit over taxed by other people needing or wanting something from me that it's brought on introverted feelings lately. I'll mostly fine and will be all the way fine eventually.
3) How would you behave if you were the best in the world at what you do?
You should challenge yourself in the things that interest you and once you feel you've mastered something move on to doing/learning something else. I think if I was the best at whatever I do I'd be very very bored with it and move on to something else.
4) Why are you worth knowing?
I'm practical and logical most times but I am also a kind and caring person who wants to see people I care about succeed and try to do my part to make the world a better place
5) When was the last time you did something for the first time?
Recently I built a computer with RGB. It didn't turn out exactly how I wanted but I got it working and felt some achievement from it and gives me something I can try to improve
6) How do you treat people who can do nothing for you?
I don't currently interact with a lot of people directly but in general believe you should treat people how you wish to be treated and vise versa (you should treat others how they treat you).
I regularly give to charities and donate to organizations who redistribute the money to multiple charities that benefit hospitals for children, feeding those who are in poverty and helping no kill animal shelters and people who can't help themselves such as homeless, solders with debilitating PTSD ect.. I would hope if they become in the position where they were better off that they would do the same.
7) What or who lights you up?
Short answer is love. Lately it's less about experiencing but seeing. An example, I know of people who share photos or videos with them and their pet (cat or dog) and showing affection to one another is such a sweet and heart warming thing as it seems so pure... some may have boyfriends or girlfriends and post things of them also, but seeing how they love and treat their animal friend always seems sweeter and more sincere.
Thank you for answering my post and invested emotionally in response, I really with a smile, read your blog, glad that I have a friend like you ❤️💋
Beautiful blog 💗