I'm at my parents' house in Sherman right now. My girlfriend is in Massachusetts for the weekend, and since I'm moving soon, I thought I'd take the opportunity to bring home some of the things I'm not going to need at my new apartment. I'm going to be moving in with my friend tony, who lives in a much nicer place with lower rent. My new room is going to be a little bigger than my current room, but more importantly, it's got a more convenient layout. It's a standard square shape with a closet sunk into the wall and baseboard heating. Compared to my current room--an oblong rectangle with a giant radiator and inconvenient closet--it should equal out to a lot more space. Tony has a fairly professional studio set up in the basement, so most of my music equipment will go down there. I'm excited to see the combined effect of all our guitars in one place. I love stuff!
Again, I wish I could be a more active part of this community, but I'm too antisocial.
I'm at my parents' house in Sherman right now. My girlfriend is in Massachusetts for the weekend, and since I'm moving soon, I thought I'd take the opportunity to bring home some of the things I'm not going to need at my new apartment. I'm going to be moving in with my friend tony, who lives in a much nicer place with lower rent. My new room is going to be a little bigger than my current room, but more importantly, it's got a more convenient layout. It's a standard square shape with a closet sunk into the wall and baseboard heating. Compared to my current room--an oblong rectangle with a giant radiator and inconvenient closet--it should equal out to a lot more space. Tony has a fairly professional studio set up in the basement, so most of my music equipment will go down there. I'm excited to see the combined effect of all our guitars in one place. I love stuff!
Again, I wish I could be a more active part of this community, but I'm too antisocial.
and I posted a blog about it
I had only really heard the 2 songs that were videos before then
and I do that...reply about an old blog in a current blog..i just start out by mentioning that it's in reference to an old blog
i also have wondered how many people comment on old blogs and those people never realize or see that comment because we aren't alerted of new comments besides the ones on our current blog
as opposed to myspace which alerts you of ANY new comments you get on any blog, picture, etc