I'm writing in this journal now. Why? For the fuck of it, of course. And because when I update, occaisionally I get comments from girls who are routinely naked on the internet. It makes me feel important.
I've reached a transitional point in my life, minus the transition of course. Since I was 19, I was in college, in 2005 I dropped out and spent the summer job hunting. I got a job, and I spent til now working it. I hate it more every week. I live in a college town, host to a college I don't attend anymore and not much else. There's no future here, and I realized suddenly, but with an unparalelled urgency that I need to leave it.
But how does somebody just move, and where to? Why can't it happen right this instant? How is it that I've lived in Orono for so long, yet as soon as I decide I need to leave, I can't possibly imagine another few months here?
I devote all my free time to music now, which is basically what keeps me sane. I treat it like a profession. The benefit of treating music as my profession, is that it keeps my job from being my profession. There is not much more terrifying than the idea of becoming my post at the gas station. That job will not own me, I don't care how badly it wants to.
Speaking of my job, I sold beer to this girl:
It was amusing that she recognized me and not the other way around, after all, I'm relatively certain she hasn't seen me naked.
I've reached a transitional point in my life, minus the transition of course. Since I was 19, I was in college, in 2005 I dropped out and spent the summer job hunting. I got a job, and I spent til now working it. I hate it more every week. I live in a college town, host to a college I don't attend anymore and not much else. There's no future here, and I realized suddenly, but with an unparalelled urgency that I need to leave it.
But how does somebody just move, and where to? Why can't it happen right this instant? How is it that I've lived in Orono for so long, yet as soon as I decide I need to leave, I can't possibly imagine another few months here?
I devote all my free time to music now, which is basically what keeps me sane. I treat it like a profession. The benefit of treating music as my profession, is that it keeps my job from being my profession. There is not much more terrifying than the idea of becoming my post at the gas station. That job will not own me, I don't care how badly it wants to.
Speaking of my job, I sold beer to this girl:

It was amusing that she recognized me and not the other way around, after all, I'm relatively certain she hasn't seen me naked.
your journal made me giggle..then think ..then giggle some more
thank you
i'll post pics as i take them...
i have posted pics of myself in recent entries though...so if you missed those you can look back at my older entries