Well it's been a while since I've posted a blog but what can I say, I'm a lazy man. So my trip to Virgina was fun and if I hadn't been stupid and left my camera i would've taken pictures of the house basement that got FUCKED at the Dropdead show. But my karma is like buckshot. For every little thing that I enjoy, I get sprayed with weeks of this karmic buckshot and its just metal and shit. After I get back my hours at work get cut down big time so I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to find a second job only to end up back at AC Moores which I quit in April. They were happy to have me back and my monetary woes are over for the moment.
I'm also back to school and early morning hours aside its pretty damn fine. Now back to the lazy thing. I have been really lazy lately. My motivation to go out and do things with people is like MIA right now. I just feel like staying in and reading or watching a movie. I only go out to see other movies and the Ballyntine theater does this great Retro series at 10 and mid for $5 and i love it. This weekend I'm gonna rent like 6 to 9 movies and stay in all weekend and watch them. The movies I plan to see are:
The Muppet Movie
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
Taxi Driver
Boogie Nights (saw it a long time ago but I've forgotten most of it)
And some Droopy Cartoons
Alternates(good to plan ahead)
Annie Hall (ditto)
Clue(ditto again plus this a really underrated movie)
Goodfellas (never seen it)
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
Still haven't sex in a while but that's subsided with the laziness...and masturbation.
I'm also back to school and early morning hours aside its pretty damn fine. Now back to the lazy thing. I have been really lazy lately. My motivation to go out and do things with people is like MIA right now. I just feel like staying in and reading or watching a movie. I only go out to see other movies and the Ballyntine theater does this great Retro series at 10 and mid for $5 and i love it. This weekend I'm gonna rent like 6 to 9 movies and stay in all weekend and watch them. The movies I plan to see are:
The Muppet Movie
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
Taxi Driver
Boogie Nights (saw it a long time ago but I've forgotten most of it)
And some Droopy Cartoons
Alternates(good to plan ahead)
Annie Hall (ditto)
Clue(ditto again plus this a really underrated movie)
Goodfellas (never seen it)
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
Still haven't sex in a while but that's subsided with the laziness...and masturbation.


Being lazy sometimes is our given right! I've been lazy and not been anywhere either in almost a week. Glad you returned and got back to your normal "ritual".