I got Animaniacs Season 1 in the mail from Amazon today. It's like having a little bit of my childhood back. Cartoons now and days suck the big one. Pokemon was the death knell of kids cartoons. I'm looking around for a second part time job as a way to bring in a little extra cash. I might look for some extra work in local TV/Movie dealies, work in the flower shop next to Heroes, or do porn. Next Saturday I head for Virgina for a week to go to a festival and do some surfing at Virgina Beach. I'm gonna miss the first day of school
My bank account looks a little shabby right now so I need to watch how I spend money for the next month or two. I mean really tighten up the old wallet which means no fast food or restaurants if i can't avoid it and not much going out. So Virgina is my big hurrah until the fall. Later amigos.

Animaniacs is the best!

you made me pee in my pants. you're tooooo hysterical. MWAH!