Well after the crash and burn that was week, I'm doing much better. Hopefully a couple of easy weeks in front of me before I go to court and see if I can't get my insurance from going up
At the moment I'm listening to the NIN song from the 300 trailer on a continous loop. That song, that comic, and that movie rock my fucking head off.
On the subject of the ongoing story in my blog, I was looking at what I had mapped out and the next part following October 29, 1977 was going to be different but I saw the opportunity for adjustment and I think the dream sequence works much better here. Pretty soon I'm going to interpret what the hell I've actually been writing about because it does actually have meaning(or does it?) Enjoy, hope you like the Spanish.
5,478 noches de la profeca
Blood spills from his splintered throat
His tar filled lungs wheezing
From his asphyxiated black hole
No light escapes from the white of his glazed eyes
Debri clouds emanate
From his dingy vest
Maggots crawled from flared nostrals
And chewed on his knarled ribs
Scabs festered on the forehead cuts
Emerging from his burial ground
His father appeared as every night before and said
"Cuero-Limite las biblias en su nombre abierto y cercano
De su diamante capilla encrusted
Deje el lobo del pinchazo demostrarle la manera
Sus hermanos sufrirn como tengo
Los libros de mi entierro hablan la verdad
La afliccin es mis nios
La afliccin es los gminis hermana
El ahogarse en el lago de la sangre"
And this night, 15 years from the first dream
Ophelia appeared.

On the subject of the ongoing story in my blog, I was looking at what I had mapped out and the next part following October 29, 1977 was going to be different but I saw the opportunity for adjustment and I think the dream sequence works much better here. Pretty soon I'm going to interpret what the hell I've actually been writing about because it does actually have meaning(or does it?) Enjoy, hope you like the Spanish.
5,478 noches de la profeca
Blood spills from his splintered throat
His tar filled lungs wheezing
From his asphyxiated black hole
No light escapes from the white of his glazed eyes
Debri clouds emanate
From his dingy vest
Maggots crawled from flared nostrals
And chewed on his knarled ribs
Scabs festered on the forehead cuts
Emerging from his burial ground
His father appeared as every night before and said
"Cuero-Limite las biblias en su nombre abierto y cercano
De su diamante capilla encrusted
Deje el lobo del pinchazo demostrarle la manera
Sus hermanos sufrirn como tengo
Los libros de mi entierro hablan la verdad
La afliccin es mis nios
La afliccin es los gminis hermana
El ahogarse en el lago de la sangre"
And this night, 15 years from the first dream
Ophelia appeared.
happy valentine's day hun! once again, your guest appearance on my blog effing cracked. me. up.