Okay, time for a bloggy style blog filled with actual information that like three people are actually interested in. Go internet
First of all I didn't get the job at Heroes, but they entirely blow me off. It was more like "stay in touch, we'll have something for you eventually. Not in so many words but that's the impression I got. As for my other job, the asshole Asst. Manager got in my face tonight and I told him to step off and stop being such a condescending prick. He didn't know that I don't back down when the man tries to grind me down with his big boot. And now he does
School is going fine, I've made some good friends but I'm still having a hard time getting over my shyness when I first meet people. It sucks but I don't know how to stop. I've also got a art history test I'm gonna bomb no matter how much I study. Its a slideshow format so it's not like I can go in there and look at the test and say "Nope" and leave. Cause if your gonna fail a test, fail it fast and enjoy the rest of the day.
Going to Purgatory on Saturday to see some freaky exhibition fetish shit with my boy Noodle. Nothing like Gothic thumpity thump music and acceptible amounts of nudity to while away a Saturday night. Best wishes to all my SuicideAmigos and Amigas out there.
-Dannysmash(now with a capital D!)

School is going fine, I've made some good friends but I'm still having a hard time getting over my shyness when I first meet people. It sucks but I don't know how to stop. I've also got a art history test I'm gonna bomb no matter how much I study. Its a slideshow format so it's not like I can go in there and look at the test and say "Nope" and leave. Cause if your gonna fail a test, fail it fast and enjoy the rest of the day.

Going to Purgatory on Saturday to see some freaky exhibition fetish shit with my boy Noodle. Nothing like Gothic thumpity thump music and acceptible amounts of nudity to while away a Saturday night. Best wishes to all my SuicideAmigos and Amigas out there.
-Dannysmash(now with a capital D!)
for-the-win silly boy
One of my friends used to work at Heroes Aren't Hard to Find. He may still work there p/t...I haven't talked to him in awhile. Have fun @ Purgatory!
I won't be able to make this one, but I'm definitely going to the one in April.