With her mask dawned, bow strung, and arrows fletched she set out into the knight. The loose fitting clothes gave the impression of an un-armored foe. This was not the case, hidden behind the black shirt and leggings are studded leather armor and braces for close quarters combat. Heavy Iron and steel were always better for protecting against brute force but her supple frame was not built for heavy lifting. Stealth and swift movement was her nature. The cold from the snow storm was bracing and she knew her movement would be slowed, however the guards will be just as hindered if not more because of their long shifts. She walked to the edge of her property line took one step over, pulled out an old heirloom and whispered a few words. She then put the heirloom back and notched an arrow before closing her eyes and concentrating on the incantation. Miles away in a clearing near the heart of the barons personal forest appeared Ana in an echo of the wind crouched low with an arrow notched and ready. She waited for any noise to indicate danger. Her ears were only met with the life of the forest. Ana slowly exhaled and began her slow trek towards the estate where her target awaited an unknowing fate.
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