Not sure if this the right place or not, never typed a blog before... actually this is going to be more of a rant!! Smoking, I just don't get it! I used to smoke, a long long time ago and quit for work so I kind of get the whole peer pressure thing BUT. It's not like nobody knows what those cigarettes are going to do to you. And it's not a matter of if anymore, it when. You WILL get cancer! WHY would anyone WANT to give themselves cancer? It just blows my mind. When you watch someone you love die from cancer it changes ow you think about a lot of stuff, When you bury your friends and co-workers, when you see friends fight for their lives it just makes me wonder why so many beautiful people start that nasty, dirty habit. It really doesn't make you cool these days, it doesn't make you attractive these days... I just do not get it....
Thanks for letting me vent