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Shots from my @TouchOfVignette Instagram account where I post as I try to hone my photography skills...or lack there of. lol
I will check I love your work ❤️❤️
Here it is...The first trailer for the upcoming documentary "Magnanimity", currently in production. Magnanimity is a stereotype-shattering, highly engaging documentary empowering homeless individuals in Fayetteville, North Carolina to tell their story through film.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/udjF1HhCdAc
thank you
Tonight we bring you a very special broadcast from Java Expressions "live" with "The Return of SIR (Live Streamed Event)", featuring SIR BEN MARX. Ben will be doing an intimate, "homecoming" event with us showcasing his new work, talking about the next steps in his artistic journey, and engaging in a Q&A before he heads back out on the road. All of this will be...
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