Good Lord. i la la la la love this girl.
im sorry i've been a bit down lately. i was very unhappy with myself (and my compoopy). i also broke my discman and am without a portable music device and its driving me insane. i've pulled up my socks though, registered for school, started eating healthier and getting more exercise. i've also stopped taking things so personally. i'm getting back to my roots... my good ol' fashioned "ahhh fuck 'em" attitude.
in other news, im looking for a place to live in september. it sucks because i don't have a roommate until january. so what do i do? find a crazy subletter for 4 months? OR just suck it up and pay for a 2 bedroom until january?
in other other news, my ex-boyfriend emailed me to tell me that he's moving back (into the current house that im living in) on august 23rd. this is what he says, "I hope you don't mind me as a roomate for a week and a half. Oh the irony. We had to break up in order to live together.". at the end of the email he says this, "Anyways, I hope the job is fairing well and I'm sure you've impressed everyone there. I'll talk to you soon."
1) for a self-proclaimed "genius" and "grammar god", his spelling and grammar suck.
2) RE: job and impressing everyone there... canada weekend - the same ex a) is dating a really good friend of mine now and b) was a complete asshole to me and when i called him on it he said "i've always been an asshole. you've just been previously exempt from it and now your not."
i better find somewhere to live... fast.
i'll do it later.
i have a date with my porch, a cold beer and a joint.
note: i must get delicious chinese vegan golden balls in toronto on friday. I HAVE TO. i've been craving them since prom.
im sorry i've been a bit down lately. i was very unhappy with myself (and my compoopy). i also broke my discman and am without a portable music device and its driving me insane. i've pulled up my socks though, registered for school, started eating healthier and getting more exercise. i've also stopped taking things so personally. i'm getting back to my roots... my good ol' fashioned "ahhh fuck 'em" attitude.
in other news, im looking for a place to live in september. it sucks because i don't have a roommate until january. so what do i do? find a crazy subletter for 4 months? OR just suck it up and pay for a 2 bedroom until january?
in other other news, my ex-boyfriend emailed me to tell me that he's moving back (into the current house that im living in) on august 23rd. this is what he says, "I hope you don't mind me as a roomate for a week and a half. Oh the irony. We had to break up in order to live together.". at the end of the email he says this, "Anyways, I hope the job is fairing well and I'm sure you've impressed everyone there. I'll talk to you soon."
1) for a self-proclaimed "genius" and "grammar god", his spelling and grammar suck.
2) RE: job and impressing everyone there... canada weekend - the same ex a) is dating a really good friend of mine now and b) was a complete asshole to me and when i called him on it he said "i've always been an asshole. you've just been previously exempt from it and now your not."
i better find somewhere to live... fast.

i'll do it later.
i have a date with my porch, a cold beer and a joint.
note: i must get delicious chinese vegan golden balls in toronto on friday. I HAVE TO. i've been craving them since prom.
hey, can my english girl and me crash with you for a few days in a few weeks?
end of august, start of september?