the contacts are out, my face is washed and creamed, my teeth are brushed and i'm almost ready for bed. i had a lovely little nap today and i'm anxious to crawl back into it. i've been exhausted as of late. hopefully that will improve over easter at the cottage. good food, card games and caesars for breakfast.
quick recap of the weekend:
Thursday - st paddy's day pint with chanel. she's a pretty awesome girl. she's honest and likes to laugh which suits me just fine. later that evening i had a few with my best friend, his woman and few other friends. a good time was had by all especially with pizza, a penis shaped bong and some san andreas.
Friday - show at the ford plant in which my friend is the owner. got stoned in the van with 7 other boys. i felt a bit outnumbered.
Saturday - was uneventful. i drank a shitty pina colada out of a fishbowl and listened to the worst cover band of all time. i got approached twice by 45 y/o "craig" telling me about his ex-wife and daughter who had downs syndrome. i must have a sign on my forehead.
Sunday - i began the long trek from hamilton to ottawa. i made a pit stop in toronto to catch up and smoke a j with a friend of mine from high school. let me tell you, navigating the subway stoned and late is not an enjoyable experience. on the other hand i did have a kick ass sleep essentially the whole bus ride home.
that brings me pretty much up to date. monday's always a write off and im going to tell you all about my touchy feely day today. we had presentations today about reflecting on the last 4 years and where we've come from and where we're going. it's been kinda cool seeing collegues evolve as people and professionals. 9 out of 11 people cried. i wasn't one of them.
my infucted sternum is better. the wicked witch of the north was having an off day b/c she hooked me up with an appointment 3 hours later with an available docter. he nicked my chest with a scalpel and gave me a topical antibiotic that has worked really well. im so impressed.
i need a haircut and i have a ton of work to do tomorrow.
i think spring has started to sprung and i love that i don't have to wear my winter coat anymore. i'll be really depressed if it gets cold again.
i "watched" high fidelity during my nap today. so in the top 5 spirit, what are your top 5 favourite movies of all time?
ready, set, go!
to combat the bright spring sun... new sunglasses with the sticker still on them!
im such a loser.
quick recap of the weekend:
Thursday - st paddy's day pint with chanel. she's a pretty awesome girl. she's honest and likes to laugh which suits me just fine. later that evening i had a few with my best friend, his woman and few other friends. a good time was had by all especially with pizza, a penis shaped bong and some san andreas.
Friday - show at the ford plant in which my friend is the owner. got stoned in the van with 7 other boys. i felt a bit outnumbered.
Saturday - was uneventful. i drank a shitty pina colada out of a fishbowl and listened to the worst cover band of all time. i got approached twice by 45 y/o "craig" telling me about his ex-wife and daughter who had downs syndrome. i must have a sign on my forehead.
Sunday - i began the long trek from hamilton to ottawa. i made a pit stop in toronto to catch up and smoke a j with a friend of mine from high school. let me tell you, navigating the subway stoned and late is not an enjoyable experience. on the other hand i did have a kick ass sleep essentially the whole bus ride home.
that brings me pretty much up to date. monday's always a write off and im going to tell you all about my touchy feely day today. we had presentations today about reflecting on the last 4 years and where we've come from and where we're going. it's been kinda cool seeing collegues evolve as people and professionals. 9 out of 11 people cried. i wasn't one of them.
my infucted sternum is better. the wicked witch of the north was having an off day b/c she hooked me up with an appointment 3 hours later with an available docter. he nicked my chest with a scalpel and gave me a topical antibiotic that has worked really well. im so impressed.
i need a haircut and i have a ton of work to do tomorrow.
i think spring has started to sprung and i love that i don't have to wear my winter coat anymore. i'll be really depressed if it gets cold again.
i "watched" high fidelity during my nap today. so in the top 5 spirit, what are your top 5 favourite movies of all time?
ready, set, go!
to combat the bright spring sun... new sunglasses with the sticker still on them!

im such a loser.

Big Lebowski
The Matrix
Fight Club
Lock, Stock, and 2 Smoking Guns
If you asked me tomorrow it would probably be a different list.
okay.. I'll try.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Napoleon Dynomite
Donnie Darko
Requiem of a Dream
other worthy movies of course have been mentioned by others. Punch Drunk Love, Shawshank Redemption, Band of Brothers, etc.