kiss me im irish!
lame-o. i know. but i am... and you should!
just watch the herpes will ya? i don't want any.
happy st paddy's day.
first of all i'd like to apologize for being neglectful. i've been at my parents for the last couple of days and they have... wait for it..... DIAL UP! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... the screams! the pain! the torture!
i know. its awful. im so spoiled by my stupid now-60GB-capped rogers cable that when i go home, i get this little twitch in my eye because my impatience for slow internet drives me that much more crazier than normal.
sooo... whats new, whats new. actually not a whole lot here at camp northstar. chanel's set went up yesterday... wootwoot! she's pretty!
i think i've mentioned that before. we're *fingers crossed* going to do breakfast or lunch today.
*whistling and patiently waiting for 12 o'clock to roll around*
oh yes. my sternum piercing is inFUCKted. err.. infected. its painful and i want to go to my doctor but i left my health card in ottawa and her receptionist is NAZI about having it. dammit.
im off to see if the witch will squeeze me in. stupid dial up...
*edit* i found something on my kitchen table that we got in the mail that i want to bring to your attention. its a flyer that says
"the same-sex marriage bill c-38 will change your life!
this bill is NOT about minority rights. it is the thin edge of a wedge that will destroy our canadian way of life - and damage our families!
*tampering with the definition of marriage will spell disaster for the moral and social welfare of our country.
*our greatest canadian treasure is about to be dumped into the garbage can of history.
*the suicidal rush to fundamentally change a 6,000 year old institution is the canker that will destroy the roots of canada's 'living tree'. "
its an "appeal" to the MP from our area and it allows you to sign your name to "as a concerned member of your riding, i appeal to you to uphold marriage as "the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others"
i can't even believe this. im so angry that i have tears in my eyes. this whole flyer is absurd. it will destroy our families? are you kidding me? the hetero couples weren't doing that already? 45- 55% of ALL hetero marriages END IN DIVORCE!!!!! for fucks sake pull your heads out of your asses. "greatest canadian treasure"? clearly, i can see that marriage is REALLY valued in this country. this bill IS about minority rights and equality and NOT about christian fundamentalism. read this for more information.
im all about freedom of choice and beliefs. you don't have to like this bill and that's ok, but don't infest my house with your bullshit lies and close mindedness. its NOT welcome here.
FUCK that.
im so angry.
lame-o. i know. but i am... and you should!
just watch the herpes will ya? i don't want any.
happy st paddy's day.
first of all i'd like to apologize for being neglectful. i've been at my parents for the last couple of days and they have... wait for it..... DIAL UP! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... the screams! the pain! the torture!
i know. its awful. im so spoiled by my stupid now-60GB-capped rogers cable that when i go home, i get this little twitch in my eye because my impatience for slow internet drives me that much more crazier than normal.
sooo... whats new, whats new. actually not a whole lot here at camp northstar. chanel's set went up yesterday... wootwoot! she's pretty!

*whistling and patiently waiting for 12 o'clock to roll around*
oh yes. my sternum piercing is inFUCKted. err.. infected. its painful and i want to go to my doctor but i left my health card in ottawa and her receptionist is NAZI about having it. dammit.
im off to see if the witch will squeeze me in. stupid dial up...
*edit* i found something on my kitchen table that we got in the mail that i want to bring to your attention. its a flyer that says
"the same-sex marriage bill c-38 will change your life!
this bill is NOT about minority rights. it is the thin edge of a wedge that will destroy our canadian way of life - and damage our families!
*tampering with the definition of marriage will spell disaster for the moral and social welfare of our country.
*our greatest canadian treasure is about to be dumped into the garbage can of history.
*the suicidal rush to fundamentally change a 6,000 year old institution is the canker that will destroy the roots of canada's 'living tree'. "
its an "appeal" to the MP from our area and it allows you to sign your name to "as a concerned member of your riding, i appeal to you to uphold marriage as "the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others"
i can't even believe this. im so angry that i have tears in my eyes. this whole flyer is absurd. it will destroy our families? are you kidding me? the hetero couples weren't doing that already? 45- 55% of ALL hetero marriages END IN DIVORCE!!!!! for fucks sake pull your heads out of your asses. "greatest canadian treasure"? clearly, i can see that marriage is REALLY valued in this country. this bill IS about minority rights and equality and NOT about christian fundamentalism. read this for more information.
im all about freedom of choice and beliefs. you don't have to like this bill and that's ok, but don't infest my house with your bullshit lies and close mindedness. its NOT welcome here.
FUCK that.
im so angry.
Here's my question for you: when you go to the cages, what do you hit? I hit baseball cages only. I can switch hit the 50 and 60 Miles Per hour (sorry, I'm a simple american without metric conversions) pretty well, but once I get to up to 70, I can only hit them at all batting left handed. I'm kinda weird- I'm right handed, but my more comfortable side to hit is on my left side.