so i got my work done but i haven't been back to the website to see what my prof said about it.... eek. but its done so fuck it.
so whats goin on?
hrrm.. let's see...
*the weekend was good. it was nice to see my familia. i think my sister and parents officially think im a stoner. we skated the whole canal which was sweet, ate some delicious food and played some 6 handed euchre. i also won all my buddy and my boyfriend's money in texas hold'em. NICE. it was also the first time i'd ever played it. i think they were pissed... losing to a first timer and a girl.
*went on an adventure with a good friend of mine today who came to visit from the hammer. did a little shopping to get my favourite facewash, a book, some underwears, a mop and 2 mcdicks cheeseburgers with EXTRA PICKLES.
side rant: there are some really bad parents out there man. if i ever told my mother to shut up in a store (or ever for that matter) she would have slapped me, grounded me and then made me wait in the car until she was done. fuck ya. kids these days need discipline and parents are really afraid of that. but like i want to listen to your whiny little bastard of a son complain the whole entire time and ruining my shopping experience. a nice little slap on the mouth would shut him up quite nicely. jesus kid... you should be thankful your mother is buying you some motherfucking socks and underwear. SOME KIDS DON"T EVEN HAVE ANY. so shut the fuck up. or i will shut it for you.
man. oh man. if you don't want to discipline your kids mothafucka... I WILL.
i could start a disciplinary school for kids... kind of like what they do with dogs, only i'll spank them (the kids, not the dogs).
please pardon all the F-sharps... apparently i have some pent up aggression.
what else... lets see...
*hunter s. thompson killed himself. what a huge loss. he was such a great writer, i can't even express it. i have a BBC documentary about him that i will watch tonight to commemorate his death.
*my secret boyfriend george is on so i must go. here's some pics from the weekend and this morning.
my sister GQin' it up on the canal.
aren't we cute?
and my breakfast this morning! napolean... give me some tots!
.there was always a warmth between us.
so whats goin on?
hrrm.. let's see...
*the weekend was good. it was nice to see my familia. i think my sister and parents officially think im a stoner. we skated the whole canal which was sweet, ate some delicious food and played some 6 handed euchre. i also won all my buddy and my boyfriend's money in texas hold'em. NICE. it was also the first time i'd ever played it. i think they were pissed... losing to a first timer and a girl.
*went on an adventure with a good friend of mine today who came to visit from the hammer. did a little shopping to get my favourite facewash, a book, some underwears, a mop and 2 mcdicks cheeseburgers with EXTRA PICKLES.
side rant: there are some really bad parents out there man. if i ever told my mother to shut up in a store (or ever for that matter) she would have slapped me, grounded me and then made me wait in the car until she was done. fuck ya. kids these days need discipline and parents are really afraid of that. but like i want to listen to your whiny little bastard of a son complain the whole entire time and ruining my shopping experience. a nice little slap on the mouth would shut him up quite nicely. jesus kid... you should be thankful your mother is buying you some motherfucking socks and underwear. SOME KIDS DON"T EVEN HAVE ANY. so shut the fuck up. or i will shut it for you.
man. oh man. if you don't want to discipline your kids mothafucka... I WILL.
i could start a disciplinary school for kids... kind of like what they do with dogs, only i'll spank them (the kids, not the dogs).
please pardon all the F-sharps... apparently i have some pent up aggression.
what else... lets see...
*hunter s. thompson killed himself. what a huge loss. he was such a great writer, i can't even express it. i have a BBC documentary about him that i will watch tonight to commemorate his death.

*my secret boyfriend george is on so i must go. here's some pics from the weekend and this morning.
my sister GQin' it up on the canal.

aren't we cute?

and my breakfast this morning! napolean... give me some tots!

.there was always a warmth between us.
Have you ever heard George Carlin's bit about how kids were tougher in the old days and how these "soft, fruity baby boomer are raising a nation of soft, fruity kids"? It's really good, and sooo true.

So you are not the person to ask if I need help?