if one more effing person tells me i should be 400 pounds because of the way that i eat, im going to kick them in the vagina and rip out their eyeballs.
i don't want to play nice today.
***edit oct27: comment of the day "jessica i can't believe how much you eat". wanna know what i was actually eating? a small grilled chicken breast on a bun with lettuce, pickles, hot peppers, tomatoes and LOW FAT MAYO. my whole lunch was less than the size of my fist which i'd like to point out isn't very big considering i have carnie hands. i wish the person who said this today read my journal because the next time i see her pretty little barbie face im going to rip it off and eat it hannibal lector styles. LIKE I NEED ANOTHER EFFING COMPLEX REGARDING MY EATING.
this will be my attempt at being assertive.
dear bitchface,
as you are probably unaware, i've had some major issues with my eating habits and body image in the last 6 years of my life. this i will look past because of your ignorance. however given this recent revelation i urge you to avoid making me feel guilty about:
a) what i eat
b) how often i eat
c) how much i eat
d) how "little" i exercise
so unless you want:
a) my foot forcefully in your vagina
b) your eyeballs on the dirty hospital floor
c) your face chewed off (literally)
d) an uma thurman kung fu kick to your nose and/or teeth (i'll even let you choose)
i suggest you refrain from the explicit list of aforementioned offenses. just because you count your calories doesn't mean you should be counting mine. i don't need prissy barbie bitches making me feel bad about myself because you are insecure.
eat me.
sincerely yours,
jess "i will seriously eff you up" d.
ps. all the boys in our class think you look like marilyn manson.
Note: if anyone has any more eloquent ideas... hook a sister up.

i don't want to play nice today.
***edit oct27: comment of the day "jessica i can't believe how much you eat". wanna know what i was actually eating? a small grilled chicken breast on a bun with lettuce, pickles, hot peppers, tomatoes and LOW FAT MAYO. my whole lunch was less than the size of my fist which i'd like to point out isn't very big considering i have carnie hands. i wish the person who said this today read my journal because the next time i see her pretty little barbie face im going to rip it off and eat it hannibal lector styles. LIKE I NEED ANOTHER EFFING COMPLEX REGARDING MY EATING.
this will be my attempt at being assertive.
dear bitchface,
as you are probably unaware, i've had some major issues with my eating habits and body image in the last 6 years of my life. this i will look past because of your ignorance. however given this recent revelation i urge you to avoid making me feel guilty about:
a) what i eat
b) how often i eat
c) how much i eat
d) how "little" i exercise
so unless you want:
a) my foot forcefully in your vagina
b) your eyeballs on the dirty hospital floor
c) your face chewed off (literally)
d) an uma thurman kung fu kick to your nose and/or teeth (i'll even let you choose)
i suggest you refrain from the explicit list of aforementioned offenses. just because you count your calories doesn't mean you should be counting mine. i don't need prissy barbie bitches making me feel bad about myself because you are insecure.
eat me.
sincerely yours,
jess "i will seriously eff you up" d.
ps. all the boys in our class think you look like marilyn manson.
Note: if anyone has any more eloquent ideas... hook a sister up.
I think I'll be studying for a while then I'll move back here next summer.
Im kinda anxious to snowboard too..YAY!!!
Oh! and I went through 14grams in 4 days while I was in TO. My brain is fried!!!